May 27, 2008

Look Who Turned Four!

Little Man #2 turned four yesterday! He had a Spider Man birthday party at the park. The children had a ball. It was so cute when it came time for my sister to light Little Man's candles. The wind was blowing so hard that they just pretended to blow them out. Don't you just love four year olds? Things are so simple to them... just pretend.

May 25, 2008

I do believe that my cup of tea taste better than normal this morning. The morning is just not "right" without a cup (or two) of tea and my quiet time with the Lord. But today it is extra sweet...My sisters surprised me with a hand-blown glassware Sontu cup and saucer for my 40th birthday.

The cup is so pretty with its wide rim - which means my tea cools quicker - just the way I like it. As a little girl, when I would spend the night with my Granny and Papaw, I remember Papaw would always pour his coffee into the saucer and then drink it from the saucer because he didn't like it too hot.

My tea is just right this morning thanks to D & S. My life is just right thanks to them too. How much they add to my days. I don't talk to them everyday... but I know they are a phone call away. We definitely don't fight and argue like we use to... but I know I could tell them anything.

How blessed I am to have sisters that are my best friends. Now my tea time is all the more dear to me. My cup and saucer will serve as a reminder of the treasure of my sisters- and turning 40.

May 24, 2008

We filled the hummingbird feeder that Mom and Dad gave us last year, placed it in the same location as last summer, and now have a hummingbird that comes to visit each morning. But instead of drinking from the feeder, it enjoys perching. I've never seen a hummingbird stay still! Where are all his friends?

May 22, 2008

I'm eating my words....said I didn't want to blog. But here I am. Now we'll see if I actually catch on and enjoy blogging.