September 27, 2011

Elkmont Trip

I must have packed all week for our first camping trip with the whole family. It paid off though! We even stopped at the Coleman "outlet" store and picked up a table... what a treasure that was. The truck was full. Next trip we'll have to rent a trailer of some sorts!
After hearing people singing, Isaac hiked up the ridge next to our campsite. This was his view looking down on our camp. And would you believe he found a cemetery up there! We never could figure out what the folks had been doing since there wasn't fresh dirt but there were flowers. And to make things really weird... at about 9:00 we saw a man up there with a flashlight kicking around in the dirt.... strange!

What a very strange night we had. The wind was so ... I don't even have a word to describe it. Poor Jonathan cried and ask me to turn it off because it hurt his ears. I might have gotten a couple of hours of sleep. But God taught me a lesson I will not soon forget. I must learn to trust in the storm too- not just to have the storm quietened.

Orange Day

Jonathan is learning the color orange... so guess what we had for lunch...Orange!!

September 23, 2011

Birthday Stuff

Our Friday routine this summer has been a trip to the grocery store and then we head to the Dairy Barn to pick Isaac up from his summer job. Today's stop turned into a party. We were treating Miss Rachel to a birthday shake when her cousins showed up. If that wasn't enough of a treat, they had a package for her too!

September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday

Ok.... I told you I ended up with a yucky strep infection. But did I mention it was my sweet little girl's first birthday?! I felt so rotten that even though I felt bad about her special day- I don't think I really cared. Instead of celebrating- we spent five hours taking me to the doctor! What a sweet family this momma has!
SO we celebrated litte Miss Rachel's day on the 22nd when momma was feeling much better.

September 21, 2011


My poor little boy!! Yesterday morning, the little ones and I went to Eastanalle Church to CHIMES. We have decided not to attend this year and I need to pick up/ drop off some things. [Boy, did I feel rotten. But I'll tell you about that in a minute!] I'm still not for sure how it happened- but as I was loading the truck in the parking lot, it had started to rain just enough to make things wet. Jonathan had gone around the truck to his side so I could load him. I heard his scream. When I got to him, his little face was already covered in blood. I yelled for Anita. April said she knew from my scream their was blood. How well she knows me. She got Jonathan cleaned up, Anita prayed, and I got Jonathan calmed down. But on the drive back to Athens, I began to get concerned that maybe he had hit his head. He was acting strange and sleepy. I too was feeling so sick and not safe driving. Eddie felt we needed to head to Dr. Saji's office and make sure Jonathan didn't have a head injury. Sure enough all was well and we ended up with just some ugly scratches. Mom on the other hand ended up with a horrible strep infection. I'll tell you that story in another post....

September 18, 2011

Court of Honor

Jonathan had a ball at Isaac's Court of Honor playing with the Nelson kids. I have no idea what he was doing ... but he managed to get the other kids to "play."

Isaac and Lucas organized this CofH and did a great job. They had the gym set up like a campsite.

September 9, 2011


The kids and I stopped at Foster and Margaret Bohannon's one evening on our way home. The guys were away at Scouts so we had some extra time. Foster and Margaret were so sweet to show the kids the cattle. Jonathan loved watching Foster feed. And Rachel Ann just loved Margaret!!

September 4, 2011

Streams in the Desert

Godly council and encouragement from unexpected sources ... just like my Father to send just what I need at the precise moment.
A book from April ...
Encouraging words from Evan last night during meeting...
And a reminder from Laiel this morning of God's provision and faithfulness.

September 3, 2011

Girls Night In

Our boys had a guys night out last night... which meant that Rachel and I had a girls night in! We started our evening with Pop Tarts and milk then we curled up and watched Tea with Michelle Duggar.
What a godly woman! I realized she is a mother just like me with days when there is school to do and too much on the to do list. I am thankful for a sister in the Lord that reminded me that the joy of the Lord is our strength.
And my guys... well, they ended up at the Regional Fair watching the horseshoe competition. Of course they got a couple of rides in too. Jonathan told me he rode the train with a track and a horse on the "me go round."