July 30, 2011

Kids Fest

Even though the temperature is way hot- I had promised the kids I would take them to Kid Fest at Dollywood. Jonathan Thomas loves Dollywood just as much as anyone! I caught him actually looking at a map.
A neat little place was using kids' hand prints to make pictures. I couldn't resist having Jonathan and Rachel's done! My plans are to have them framed for their bedrooms. Hopefully, I can put Rachel's life verse on hers.
And the highlight of the day... The Little Engine That Could. Since it was Kids Fest, their were shows and activities just for kids. My plan was to get there early before it got to hot then see a couple of shows. The first performance was at 1:00. So much for my plan. But it was so good! And Jonathan just loved it too. The other show we wanted to see was at 2:00- The Bubble Show. It was so crowded that the theatre was full by the time we got into the huge line.
Another one of Jonathan's favorites was a sand table that had set up. I'm blogging this almost 2 weeks later and he is still talking about the sand. We played while Isaac rode some of the big kid rides.
The Old Mill has become our lunch stop. Gina Hall told me about the awesome homemade bread they have.
My boys! How sweet! And check out Mr. Hollywood. Cool, huh? Rachel refused to wear her hat!

The men at the train depot have gotten to know Jonathan! I couldn't believe that actually remembered him. They sure do have a hot job! The heat index was approaching 110 degrees. Can't imagine what it must be in the steam engine.
Next trip.... cooler weather!

July 21, 2011

July 18, 2011

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
Abraham Lincoln
Ah . . . how true Mr. Lincoln. I come away from time with my dear friend always feeling a bit happier and more content. Her phone calls and emails make me smile. I look forward to time with her like a little child looking forward to a birthday. And I am always better because of her influence. Happy Birthday, my dear friend and sister. I love you!I know these are not the most complimentary photos... but... what a good example they are! April can wear so many different hats in a day's time. From reading to the little guys to patching up a busted chin with duct tape. And I won't even begin to list all the things she did the rest of the day....

July 16, 2011

Tea Time

What can I say? A kid after my heart {even if he did drink my tea!}

July 12, 2011


Look how tall our little guy is getting.
Ta-da- Jonathan's MEAN face.

Getting ready to take Isaac to Boy Scout Camp. He thought he was just like Isaac with a pack, and sunglasses.

July 10, 2011

How sweet

Look what Evan brought me last night! How thoughtful! I'd rather have a bouquet of wildflowers than just about any other flower I can think of. Now how did he know?

July 2, 2011

Ten Mile Trip

Last winter/late spring, I made a quick stop at Aunt Lucy's house and promised that when the weather was nicer I would come over for a visit. So on my list of things to do this summer was a trip to Ten Mile. When I called Aunt Lucy, she was headed to Cheryl Ann's house... so, the little ones and I had a double visit to Aunt Lucy, Uncle Franklin AND Cheryl Ann. What a treat!Rachel got treated to a ride with Cheryl Ann. Jonathan however refused to give it a try.
Instead, he had a ball playing with Aunt Lucy. We took a little trip across the street to Danny's restaurant for ice-cream before heading home. What a fun little outing. When Isaac gets home from Summer Camp at Buck Tom's, we'll have to take him.