Yep... It is official. Our little tot tested positive for Lymes Disease this week. It must have been three weeks ago that Isaac helped me take a tick off Jonathan's shoulder. Then Monday morning while I was dressing him, I found this rash. Yuck!
Thanks to Dr. Cindy, we have started him on antibiotics and a homeopathic remedy too. Already he's looking and feeling better!
You can tell where our Sunday morning started.... breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.
We then used my GPS {still pretty new to me} and headed south to the Ocoee River. We were wondering around the visitor center enjoying looking at the plants and their labels [see Our Nature Blog] when we decided to cross over the river. Just as we got on the bridge, we realized it was 10:00 am... which meant the dam was opening and allowing the water to come down the mountain. It was so cool to see it rushing over the plants and rocks covering everything in its path. My video doesn't do it justice... but it's still pretty awesome.
While the guys went for a hike, the little ones and I hiked back to the truck, loaded up and then went to pick Daddy and Isaac up on the end of their trail. We found a campground that seemed hidden on the other side of the river along with a gravel road that seemed to go to nowhere.
Tummies were hungy for our picnic lunch on the way home. What a PERFECT Sunday outing!
and Sunday Mornings... I love Sunday mornings. It is my favorite morning of the week. Maybe because it is the only morning that my family has to spend together.
One of the things we love about homeschooling is the fact we are not confined to four walls. It was such a gorgeous morning that we loaded up and headed to the cemetery. Yep... the cemetery. Isaac rode his bike and the little ones and I met him there. (After rescuing Pixie from a pack of dogs!) We have been talking about Papaw Monk's birthday and Bo's too- I was surprised that Jonathan seems to still remember Bo. Maybe that is because I continue to tell the kids stories about their grandfathers and why they are special to us.
An indoor school day... Isaac use to sit in this box to read. Now it's Jonathan's turn!
And Rachel... she would rather climb- up, over, under - you name it!
While Daddy and Isaac go to work on Saturday mornings, the "babies" and I throw our schedule to the wind and just hang out together. This morning, Jonathan woke his sister up for mommy. Then just had to get in Rae Rae's bed with Hoppy and Giggles.
I know it's a bit early... but since our little girl has started to cry in the car... and since her car seat is so worn out (it was Isaac's!)- we went ahead and got Rachel a new car seat to face forward. Sje got one just like brother's!