April 21, 2012

Meet Bumble Bee

Bubble Bee the cow- that is!
Took the little ones down to see the new baby calves this morning while the guys were at work.
Jonathan and I decided these ladies needed some names.
One of them became Bumble Bee and another became Frosty.

Five new calves!  I had to really look for one of them. When we found her in the grass, she didn't look very well. Sure enough when Eddie and Isaac checked on her later in the day, they determined that the mother had not nursed it. Sure could tell which mommy was hers by the way she was engorged! I promised her if she would let that baby eat, she sure would start to feel better!

What? My little ones have not had soda... yet.... at least to my knowledge.
I just about had the big one when I found Rachel in the golf cart swigging down a Dr. Pepper ....
And worse of all a diet one!
Whew.... Isaac had left an empty can in the cart. Well, I hope it was empty.