I've thought about "introducing" you to Dr. Angela (my
chiropractor, friend, and sister in the Lord) before and sharing
our story.

Last July, I was in Dr. Angela's office for a routine adjustment. Little did I know this visit would not be so "routine." As I was checking out and preparing to leave, Dr. Angela walked by and ask if I was in a hurry- if I might have a moment. I told her sure. She responded that the Holy Spirit wanted her to pray for me. Okay! Anytime someone wants to pray for me, I am honored. But especially if the Holy Spirit told her too... something was up! So we slipped off into a back room of her office. Hum... wonder what it was we were suppose to be praying about. I had no idea. As I knelt and began to pray it wasn't long until I heard Angela's voice and started to wonder how in the world she knew the things she was praying.
You see, ever since God blessed our family with Isaac, it has been our desire to have more children. We chose not to pursue "alternatives" and to wait on God's timing. There have been times that waiting wasn't easy... especially when a little boy longed for a sibling. But scripture says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says Yahweh. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." God has proven Himself faithful to us over and over. We know from experience that His ways truly are more awesome than we can imagine. He knew our hearts and he knew what was best for our family.
Dr. Angela was led by the Spirit to ask for the desires of my heart. As I felt her hand upon my abdomen, she was led to pray for my physical health and the provision that my womb would accept and carry the new life within me. Wow! So when I did a pregnancy test later that week, I was expecting in faith a positive result.
What if Dr. Angela had gone on with her busy schedule and daily routine? What if she had ignored the prompting of the Holy Spirit on her heart? What if she had not been intimate with God to hear His voice speak to her that day?
It is because of her willingness to obey that we are blessed today as we wait for the arrival of the newest member of our family.