"Weary and worn from the all-day effort, I have my own questions: Is all of this business of keeping Passover unnecessary burden? Have we knotted the holy day up in redundant encumbrances? Does this old covenant really have bearing on new covenant living? But, slipping my hand through my husband’s, my queries hush.For there are children pressing in now, anxious for just this, this tradition, this meal before candles, this sipping of goblets. The questions now trickle, the same four questions that have come rippling down from one generation, to the next, for centuries; from the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob….to our children.Six-year-old Levi, his young voice pitched high but gentle, asks the first of the three-thousand-year-old queries, 'Why are we eating unleavened bread, or matzah, tonight?' "
If you have a moment, it will be well worth your time to visit Ann's blog at http://www.aholyexperience.com/2009/04/messianic-passover-seder-why-christians.html

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