August 31, 2009

Uphill Climb

One of the "disadvantages" (if you can really call it a disadvantage...) of living of a hill is that balls always roll downhill. So Isaac goes after lots of balls. But we sure do enjoy "our hill." We'd much rather walk up it than down.

This morning, Isaac and I noticed the feeling of fall in the air. Ah... one of my favorite seasons. I love everything about it: cooler temps, colored leaves, haybales and pumpkins, football and even the fragrance.
Speaking of football- this weekend is Coach Kiffen's first ballgame. My guys are headed to the game while Jonathan and I stay home. I'll get a turn later in the season... maybe.

And fall fragrances- I could not resist the urge to use some of our favorite fall fragrances this weekend. We use essential oils for everything from cleaning the potties to making the house smell of autum. Since I can't blog the smell for's our favorite "Fall Fragrance."
  • 10 drops of bergamont
  • 5 drops of lemon

  • 20 drops of sweet orange

  • 15 drops of clove
  • 5 drops of ginger
  • 5 drops of nutmeg and

  • 5 drops of cinnamon


Ida Louise and Ellen Grace said...

We can smell fall too!

5buntings said...

Mmmm, that fragrance sounds delicious! There's so many great things about fall. I've been enjoying the later sunrise. It makes me feel like I'm getting so much done to get busy while it's still dark. Your hill is truly a gift from above! It blesses all who visit it.