October 14, 2009

Life Goes On...

Every day that goes by since Laiel's accident, I have struggled with the fact that life goes on. The days on the calendar continue to pass while time stands still for Laiel.
Isaac and James playing a game of Frisbee golf.... the day before.
The completion of our new fence just doesn't seem very important anymore.
Jonathan turned six months old the day after the accident.
I just love these autumn days. It hurts my heart that April and Laiel are not able to enjoy them.

But God is good... all the time. I know I will once again see His faithfulness.


Taylor said...

You're in My prayers too! You're *so* very right, God Is Good!!! :D

God bless,

5buntings said...

Your children look so happy and content, pat yourself on the back. Thanks again for setting up the Helping Hands site. Laiel's father's post today was such a blessing. God is awsome!!