March 12, 2010

My Blessing

When our Isaac was a little guy, I use to sing a little chorus to him... "You are a blessing...."
I'll never forget one time when I was scolding him for something I've now long forgotten. He looked up at me with those penetrating eyes and said, "I am a blessing!"

Today, as our young man turns 11 years old, I have to stop and ponder what a blessing he truly is in my life and to our family. I am constantly amazed at the maturity and character I see developing in his life and heart. The kind words and unselfish deeds that seem to effortlessly flow from him [even when Mom doesn't deserve kindness] are evidence of the Holy Spirit in his heart. We've all heard the horror stories about the "teenage" years. They are of no concern to me because of what I daily witness transpiring in our young man.

I have to admit that I had my concerns last year about welcoming a sibling into the home of our only child. How would he react? Isaac couldn't be a better big brother. He has shared his heart, his space, his time, even his time with Mom and Dad willingly and unselfishly.

So Happy 11th Birthday, Isaac. You will always be my Blessing... with a capital B!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

What a sweet post!! :D Happy Birthday, Isaac!!! :D