May 20, 2010

Can't Live Without It

While checking my Yahoo email this morning, I saw an article that caught my attention, "10 Things We Can't Live Without." I just had to see what we Americans can't live without.

1. Coffee
2. Booze
3. Pets
4. Music Downloads
5. TV
6. Movies
7. Education
8. Smart Phones ads
9. High-Speed Internet
10. Portable Computers

Not me! My list of 10 things I can't (or don't want to) do without:

1. Air conditioning

2. Clean water

3. My Bible

4. Books
5. Home Education

6. Internet

7. My Grace Works Planner

8. Grain Mill (I jammed it this morning... what am I going to do?)

9. The smiles and laughter of my family

10.My bed, pillow, and sleep mate

1 comment:

Diane McVey said...

I like YOUR list a lot better! I know teens to 40-somethings can't live without their cell phones! ha I get so aggravated at those that are literally addicted to texting. It's ridiculous! Some kids just never stop! There's so many better things to be doing.
Sorry about your grain mill; I hope Eddie can fix it! :D Have a great weekend!