Our little sweetheart was such a trooper last week! After an EEG at Children's Hospital, Jonathan has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder. Even after a very limited amount of sleep- and no food, he was still an angel. He even impressed the tech because he didn't cry or fight her.

There are so many questions whirling around in my head and even my heart right now. So many questions that I do not have answers for. What an awesome assurance though to know that my Father, the Creator of the Universe, the one who knit Jonathan together does.
"... I called upon the Lord; The Lord answered me and set me in a large place." Ps 118:5
Look at that sweet smile even with all that stuff on his head! What a trooper :-)
Today we saw our pediatrician and receive the results from the EEG. It was abnormal, confirming his diagnosis. Next step is an appointment with the pediatric neurologist and an MRI.
Oh, what an angel! I can't believe he was so cooperative! What little guy, with no food, and all the commotion would react so sweetly? Nobody but sweet Jonathan! I wish I could surround him with a big, warm hug. My heart is breaking for him. And you. Big hugs to ALL of you...
We continue to lift precious J and your beautiful family in prayer. And we pray that God directs the hands of doctors; He is the Master Healer.
Know that He is there ... your Father is in control ... and that He loves J even more than you can imagine.
We are just a phone call (or email) away ...
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