April 18, 2010

Country Livin'

I wouldn't trade living in the country for anywhere else on earth. You just never know what will be waiting for you around the next bend in the road!

While on our way into town one afternoon, we met this as we came around a curve in the road...
Luckily, I had the camera in the truck with us... so Isaac was able to snap some photos of Mr. Turkey as we drove by- finally! He was not concerned at all that I was bigger than him.

1 comment:

Diane McVey said...

We have wild turkeys, too! I didn't know they were in your neck of the woods, also...
I had a BIG tom turkey in the yard courting 2 females a couple of weeks ago. He was magnificent! By the time I got my camera, he had exited the yard :( It sure was fun to watch him, though! He had a VERY long beard; must have been quite up in years!!!