June 22, 2008

Our Landscaping Project

While sitting at the breakfast table this morning, we heard the strangest sound. Later we discovered what must have made the odd noise.

My sweetheart went outside to find that a huge tree had fallen in our backyard. Little Man and I had just been walking right before breakfast. Their wasn't even a breeze blowing. Somehow the tree must have fallen while we were eating breakfast. I sure wish we could have seen it fall.

What a mess to clean up. I'm very thankful it did not fall last night while the children were playing under it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, sure glad no one got hurt...that's a big tree! I'm glad it waited until Sunday to "commit suicide"...LOL I'm sure the clean-up was NOT what hubby wanted to be doing Sunday afternoon!
Have a great week... :D

Beck's Bounty said...

WOW - that was a big tree. Well, now you will have plenty of firewood for next winter. What a blessing that everyone was inside when it happened.

God Bless.

Taylor said...

im glad it didnt fall on oe of the kids either!