Laiel's mom- April- sent this out today. Not only as she touched my heart this past month- I have seen such great faith and love in action. How much I have learned and "grown up..." I don't think I will ever fully comprehend. My life too has been changed. Amen April.... may I never forever be and may I never forget.
You know, life is such a fragile thing!!! (by: April Upton)
As I sit here this morning with my Bible and my coffee, reading, praying, communing with my Heavenly Father . . . I have been thinking about the last month. Here I am at home with my daughter. She IS healing!!! She IS getting stronger!!! Yes, she struggles some with where she is and why . . .

Jonathan (about 10 wks old) and Ms. Lai last summer
But my heart is heavy this morning with thoughts of others. With Shannon Bird, as she still lay in the hospital bed - comatose!!! Her loved ones and family have been faithful with their prayers. Twelve weeks now and they continue to endure . . . looking for the work of the Father. And I BELIEVE the Almighty will be faithful!! Why the Bird's test seems so much longer than ours, I cannot say. Only HE knows!!!! But my life was forever impacted by meeting and sharing a corner of the SCC waiting area with Theresa and Duane Bird.
Then there was Rita!! Dear, sweet Rita! Her and her husband were vacationing in Gatlinburg. Mr. Prindell took a spill and hit his head. Long story short . . . he didn't make it. Rita spent several days in the SCC, all alone! She was a dear soul. Encouraging, faithful!! When her husband died I felt as if I had lost a dear friend . . . and I had never met the man. Jim and I had prayed, as well as many others. Rita had believed! And yet the Father's answer this time was not what we anticipated.
One thing is certain!!! THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!! Whether we ever uncover the reasons, perhaps not so certain. But it gives a body much to think on!!!!
My life has been changed by the events of the last month! I pray forever so!!!!!!
"The wind blows where is wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; . . . " John 3:8
BUT HE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!
Please continue to pray for the Bird and the Prindell families!! Thanks, April