I think I was more excited about the Court of Honor with Isaac's new Scout Troop than he was! Maybe it was because he was receiving his very first merit badge...
and a commemorative one at that.
It really was not as difficult as I had once thought... just takes some planning:
diapers, snacks, stroller, extra change of clothes, pacy, bib, camera, etc.
You get the idea.
Jonathan with Christopher Beck. I didn't recognize Christopher with his new hair cut!
Way to go, Isaac! Gosh, it's been so long since mine were in Scouts! But I remember those Courts of Honor! The picture of all of you is so good...beautiful family!
Caleb was 20 months old when David was born. I remember the "planning" that I had to do, too! And Josh was 4, turning 5 in a few months. When I went to the grocery store, I had to push one cart and pull another! That's the only way you could get both babies seated. And we moved to Texas when Dave was 5 months old...what a trip! It was NOT fun to be somewhere far away with 3 little ones, knowing NO ONE on earth there! Yes, I'm having a pity party! LOL Sure am glad you have family and friends to help out. Love you guys!
Courts of Honor are so much fun. It is wonderful to watch sons work hard and accomplish goals.
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