March 20, 2011

All done!

What a good feeling! My young man has finished 6th grade...okay, he does have a bit more history to read. But when Aunt Sherry invited us to head to Chattanooga with her and the boys, we were excited to celebrate the end of school.

Our day included a trip to Coolidge park where Rachel had her first feel of grass on her toes. If she's anything like her big brother, we'll never need to buy her shoes. Isaac would rather go barefoot than sleep!

Jonathan's favorite part of the Creative Discovery Museum had to be the RiverWalk where he played in the same spot the entire time. I think we will be spending much of our time playing in the water this summer.

Sometimes I forget how close in age Jonathan and Brody are...exactly 9 months apart.

So funny! Aunt Sherry was not around when I snapped this photo. Of course Rachel was in her Bijorn so I had several children around. A lady and her husband thought they were all mine. I was so tempted to not tell them the truth and let them think they were all mine.

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