July 5, 2008

Let's Do Laundry

When we learned that a baby was joining our family back in 1998, I decided to rid our home of as many chemicals as possible. For Christmas that year, my brother-in-law gave me a book called "Clean and Green." It's still a favorite (along with lots of other recipes I have added). It didn't take long of making my own household cleaners before I realized how much money I was saving ... or how irritating chemical smells had become.

Here's my favorite laundry detergent recipe that my two sweet friends and I (along with their daughters) made one afternoon. Sometimes when I am too busy to make a batch or just do not have the supplies, I like to use Seventh Generation... but it can't beat the "homemade stuff."

Powdered Laundry Detergent

  • 1 cup grated Fels Naptha Soap

  • 1/2 cup washing soda

  • 1/2 cup 20 mule team borax

Mix and store in airtight container or bag. For light loads, use 2 tablespoon. For heavy loads, use 3 tablespoons. Cost per load using 2 tablespoons is .12 per load. One batch makes 16 loads.

BTW... Dial Corporation (which makes Fels-Naptha soap) will not reveal what the "cleaners, soil & stain removers, and chelating agents" are in their product. Even though Fels-Naptha is an excellent laundry bar soap, I may find myself trying something different in its place.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

i just washed my clothes yesterday!! I LOVE it!!!
thanx 4 the info