July 19, 2008

Thank You, Vendors!

Yesterday, Little Man and I were able to attend the Home School Curriculum Fair in Chattanooga. We both look forward to and enjoy the fairs. I always come away so encouraged whether I purchase anything or not.

I remember our first year attending a fair. My "little red-headed mentor" gave me some of the best advice. Don't take any money, checks, or credit cards the first day. Just go look and learn. Then return the second day to make purchases. Unfortunately with gas prices so high I can't give the same advice today. But there is something about being able to talk to real people (instead of a computer screen), see and touch the books, and the whole atmosphere of being in the presence of so many other homeschooling families.

I wish there were some way for me to thank all the vendors and sponsoring organizations for continuing to participate in curriculum fairs. Not only does the price of gasoline make it more costly for us to attend the fair- I can't imagine how expensive it is for vendors that travel with trailers of books in tow.

So "Thanks Vendors!" We sure do appreciate not only seeing you each year at the fair, but the council and instruction you invest in our homes and schools.

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