January 31, 2009

Homeschool When?

When we were expecting Isaac, I decided to read the scriptures to him. So each afternoon, I would take a break, open the Word and began to read. I'll always remember the day I realized that in order for the little baby I was carrying to hear me, it was necessary for me to read out loud. Duh- must have been the pregnancy hormones, right?

My friend Patti was telling about a mother that was "homeschooling her baby in the womb." I couldn't help but giggle at the thoughts of science, math, and grammar. But once again, I am reading passages from scripture out loud (so our little one is hearing them this time!) This afternoon, when I took a break to prop my feet up and rest, I turned on Baby Einstein's Mozart for him to hear. That's when it occurred to me that maybe I am "teaching" our baby before he even arrives. Moms, we do so much more teaching than we realize! We teach our little ones of all ages every day. I wonder... if maybe the things they see Mommy do and the things Mommy says are not of greater importance than all the subjects that we "teach." Now that I think about it- maybe I am "homeschooling" my baby in the womb.

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