July 25, 2010


Ah.... we took a little get-away last week. Little did we know when we scheduled it that our air unit would go out just a few days before leaving. Mr. Tom was so kind to come back on a Saturday afternoon to get the fan on the unit running so there would be some air circulating.

The day we returned home was also the day Mr. Tom came to replace the air unit... so we packed up and hit the road again heading to Point Park and Chickamauga Battlefield.
We never could agree on how many steps we climbed to reach the top of this monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield. I say 137... Dad and Isaac came up with a different number.
I can't believe I have grown up in East Tennessee and never visited these historic spots!

Since Isaac and I are studying the Civil War in history right now... we especially enjoyed learning about the Battle Above the Clouds.
Our picnic at Point Park

And our "tailgate picnic" while we were in the mountains. You would think we could have found a better spot for our picnic... but it was oh so crowded.

Never have I seen so many people and cars at Sugarlands! Now I remember why we visit the mountains in the winter months.
Trip up to Ober Gatlinburg for Isaac to "play."
To my surprise, Jonathan did not like the water. He was much more content sitting in the shade watching brother splash around.
It was so nice to take a break from the daily routine... and especially not have the routine chores. Eddie was so sweet to "haul" Jonathan around for me. I didn't have to lift, carry, or buckle Jonathan in the car seat. Ah... our get-away truly was a nice break.

1 comment:

Diane McVey said...

So happy you got a mini vacation!! That is wonderful. Scott loves to visit the historic sites in Chattanooga...lots of history there!
I loved seeing the great pictures. So glad you shared! Hugs and Love all around! :D