September 6, 2010

Fall Fever

I may not have orange fever this year- but I certainly have fall fever. These cooler days have just been wonderful! I'm looking forward to heading into my favorite seasons: fall, winter, and spring!
All summer, I had been promising to make smores. Finally! A cool enough evening that I would not be miserable with a fire! Hope our new little lady enjoys being outside as much as the rest of our family does.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo! I love the view from your's just breathtaking! What a wonderful place to live. It's just the BEST!
I'll bet the boys were excited to get their s'mores! My guys like to do those, too. But I'm with you on the's gotta be COOL to have one or I'd burn up! haha
Enjoy your day...wish I was there! :D *HUGS*

Diane McVey said...

Gorgeous photo, and precious little boy! :D