September 3, 2010

What more could a girl want?

I was up this morning by 6:15 and on the road by 8:15. My day still wasn't over when I pulled into the driveway at 9:05 tonight. So, would someone please explain why it is 1:55 AM- yep, AM- and I can't sleep? Even my sleep tincture doesn't seem to be doing a bit of good.

I wish I had a photo journal of our day. Maybe some of the special moments will be locked into my memory. Isaac and I use to have the best time on our "dates" to see our nurse midwife when we were expecting Jonathan. They are a bit different now with the three of us- but still oh so special!

  • Isaac chasing Jonathan around the exam room this morning while I was hooked up to the fetal monitor checking on "baby"- who by the way passed with flying colors. It use to take us a good 20-30 minutes {along with lots of cold, sugary Capri Suns} to get any movement from Jonathan. [Does this mean she's going to be more active than "Tidal Wave?"]
  • Maneuvering the HUGE Target shopping cart into the family restroom. They didn't have the family restrooms when Isaac was a tot. I've always wanted to use one of those!
  • Browsing the baby aisles- not for myself- but for a gift for a dear mom that is due about the same time we are. It was nice to see things from a different perspective for awhile.
  • Watching Jonathan go "crazy" in Books-A-Million. Could a 17 month old really like books more than me?
  • Stepping back for a moment to realize what a thoughtful 11 year old young man we have.
  • Laughing at Jonathan's attempts to sit in the infant car seat while I tried to install it next to his own seat. [When we bought our 2001 Tahoe, I wanted a third row seat in hopes of carrying lots of little people around. I forget that everyone would need car seats!]
  • Wondering what went through Jonathan's head when I ask if he would like to go see Nana and he heads to the bedroom to retrieve his blanket... on a 90 degree day may I add!
  • Looking up to see him bringing me Nana's potty- again! Doesn't he realize it's obvious he just wants another M&M?
  • Talking with Isaac all alone about his evening: music lessons, Scouts, time he had with Dad. I sure do enjoy our maturing relationship.

I'm blessed! What more could a girl want.... except sleep?


Taylor said...

Sounds like an awesome day!! :) LOVE LOVE LOVE yalls new picture up at th top on th right!!! :D

5buntings said...

Love the new picture, so cute! Glad you are smiling and embracing your "blessings" and not just enduring them. It's beautiful to watch your family grow. Lots of folks say they can tell about their babies while they're in the womb. I never could, but within a month their personalities were peeking through to me.