Well, some 15 years later, I am still amazed at all the stuff babies require. Some useful and essential others are... well, not necessary. I'd love to hear from someone that has used the Tummy Tub. Looks to me like it would be a pain for mom.
Ah.... but the Balboa Baby Nursing Pillow has brought relief to my neck and shoulders these days (thanks, sweetheart!).
Dr. Sears is right... you spend more time nursing your baby that first year than anything else. My Balboa follows me to every room of the house. I can locate it in a pitch black room at 2:00 AM. Yep- it is my best friend these days.

You can check out parent testimonials of the Tummy Tub here: http://www.babymeetworld.com/static.php?page=testimonials and also www.tummytubusa.com
I surely wish they had made those pillows when I was nursing babies! That would have been SOOOO helpful! No wonder I have bursitis in my shoulders now! ha Glad you have such great aids to make things a bit easier. :D
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