August 1, 2008

God's Lesson Plan

One of the things I love about homeschooling is the way our Heavenly Father arranges our days and studies. We are working through "Considering God's Creation" (that our sweet friend Mrs. Z shared with us).

When our new school year started, we picked up where we left off last year: learning about insects. Little Man and I headed outside for a romp around the backyard checking out the local neighborhood of insects. I even caught my first grasshopper! But the best part was when we found a bucket that I had left sitting on the front porch. The wind had turned it on its side... and what should be hanging from the inside but a caterpillar just stating to form its crysalis! I wish I had taken photos from day one but in my excitement I forgot. We order catapillars from Insect Lore ( ) each spring.... and that's lots of fun to watch their transformation... but discovering one... now that was awesome!
I feel like The Creator sent it to do just what it was designed to do, to the exact spot, just for us... even at the very precise moment! Can't find that lessson in a textbook.

1 comment:

Kimi said...

I found a coupon for Insect Lore if anyone is interested.

Use the coupon code "Web5" at check out to save 5%.