Guess what... our local YMCA would like to offer some special activities just for the homeschooling community! Yippee... but we need to collect and give the Athletic Director some feedback and input. MomtoCherubs has made it simple. Just following the instructions in the following letter and then get in on the action. Hope to see you at the Y!
August 2, 2008
Hello Fellow Homeschool Families:
This year, the local YMCA would like to begin offering some PE-type activities to the homeschool community.
The Y’s Athletic Director has some great ideas ! And she is now trying to get a sense of what homeschoolers would really like to see offered, how the Y might be of benefit to the local homeschool community, who would participate in the programs, and more …..
Please answer the following questions as a preliminary survey:
Ages of your children that would likely participate: (programs will likely be divided into age groups)
Boys or Girls:
Best Week Days For Programs ?
Worst Week Days For Programs ?
Times: Morning or Afternoon Preferred ?
Wish List: (please name specific sports, nutrition topics, health topics, games, fitness, swimming, etc that you would like to see covered - please be specific if possible)
Suggestions: (please include any other “comments” & “concerns”, that you feel may be helpful in assembling this program)
What a great opportunity this can be, and what a blessing that the Y is considering such a program !
Please copy / cut / paste your responses into an email, and send the responses to momtocherubs@becksbounty.com as soon as possible. The results will be consolidated and the information given to the YMCA on Friday, August 8th.
As soon as the details are settled, an announcement will be sent regarding these programs.
Thank you.
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