August 20, 2008

The Truth

I do not have words to describe how my life has been touched the past two days by time I have spent with my brother Mujahid El-Masih. He arrived here on Monday afternoon and left this morning for another speaking engagement; such a short time for such a tremendous impact. My eyes have been opened. My understanding expanded.

I have grown frustrated talking with people that assume they know and understand the truth of Islamic teachings. Brother El-Masih grew up as a Muslim studying the Koran and Islam from Islamic teachers and the military. He was taught to hate Christians, Jews, and all non-Muslims. Until .... praise Jesus... at the age of 25, he came to know that Jesus is the Way, the Life, and the Truth, and "He set me free from all evil of this world. I gave my life to Jesus." On February 6, 1997, Pakistani police and thousands of Muslims attacked two of their villages and burned 13 of their buildings, 1,500 Christian homes and thousands of Bibles. All this was done because of a false charge that Christians had torn a Koran.

I no longer want to hear how Islam is a peaceful religion or that we pray to the same God- no, Allah is not my god. My God is Jehovah. The Lord Jesus Christ is my savior. I have a new desire to pray for the Muslim people that are so deceived.

I have been honored and blessed to sit under El-Masih's teaching this week. May the "Lord Jesus Christ bless you" wherever He leads you, my brother. My family and I will be in prayer for you and yours.

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