Several weeks ago, he ask for a "barn cat". I'm not a cat person. My sister had indoor cats when we were growing up. I have horrible memories of them getting in my room on my bed while away at school. The next morning, my eyes would be swollen and itchy all day.
Well, this morning it looks like we have a new pet. Yesterday the prettiest cat I've ever seen came strolling up our .25 mile drive like he knew just where he was headed. And to beat it all Pixie didn't seem to mind a bit... even allowing it to eat from her food dish.

So... anyone have an idea for a name?
You better watch out!! Sounds like he has a direct line without any static....he may just get what he asks for!!!
Hope you are doing well!
U better watch out! u might be having twins (i hope a boy and a girl) if little man is praying for it! It seems to me that God is anwering his prayers!
Name: umm........ Snowflake?
Oh, the kitty is SO pretty...Tell LM that it must have known Aunt Diane LOVES cats, having 7 at her house!! He will have a great time with him/her. Names...hmmmm Flurry? Snowball? Newman (the blue eyes, like Paul Newman!)...I'm not very good at names, some of our have people names! :D
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