November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Traditions

There's something special about tradition. Merriam Webster defines tradition as, "the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction."

Our Thanksgiving tradition (since two years before I was born... the year my mom and dad were married) has been celebrating Thanksgiving day with my mother's family. Aunt Karen's family (my two cousins) and my Papaw and Granny would always gather in our home. Everyone had their "specialty" they brought for dinner. My heart is sad with the realization that things change. Even though Aunt Karen's family no longer gathers with us and my Granny has been in Heaven for a numerous years, Papaw's voice still rang out in a thunderous voice as he blessed the food and our growing family each year. Yesterday it was missing. His health prevented him from gathering with us.

My thankful list could go on for eternity. A godly husband, a son that knows Jesus as his personal savior... but this year I am reminded of the godly heritage of my family- both my mom and dad's family. I am blessed by the choices of prior generations... and I am thankful.

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